Metropolitan Calgary Gives Back

Since its establishment in 2014, Metropolitan Movers Calgary has been active in giving back to the communities where our employees live and work.
Giving back to the communities where we work is a vital part of our DNA.

As part of our Metro Gives Back initiative, we are donating ten meals to the Second Harvest organization on your behalf for every residential or commercial move within the GTA.
Second Harvest is the largest food rescue program in Canada. Since 1985, Second Harvest has been picking up donated food and delivering it to community agencies in the GTA. Children and youth represent almost 40% of all food recipients!
We have been the proud sponsors of Canadian Melissa Fryer to various World wrestling championship

We also contribute to various charities of choice, by donating $1 Canadian dollar from every move to the cause of promoting childhood education in some of the poorest countries in Africa CHALICE.Ca. we are currently sponsoring a child in kenya. Chalice works in impoverished communities to help struggling families overcome the cycle of poverty. Education is the first and most important step in breaking the cycle. Too often, children must skip class or drop out of school to fetch water, care for siblings, or earn money for their families. Sponsorship gives children the support needed to attend and stay in school, and allows families to provide nutritious food and better care for their children. Children are selected for sponsorship based on need and family circumstances, regardless of race, age, ability, gender, or religion. Metropolitan Movers Calgary believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach their God-given potential.

We also donate to the Canadian Wheelchair Foundation.
With effect from 2019, we desire to donate countless hours to other charities in our local communities including women’s shelters, food banks, toy drives and Habitat for Humanity.